
Soft skills

Skills and abilities unrelated to a particular occupation, such as flexibility, efficiency, independence, creativity, planning and organization, proactive approach, research, work ethic, time management, etc.

Relation to social mobility

Soft skills were found to affect employment metrics such as finding a job and income levels. In addition, soft skills come up in extensive employer surveys as necessary factors for success in the current and future employment market.



high school


שתיל (2008). ” השפעת לשוניות ודרכי רכישת העברית. מיון הבעיות הלשוניות של לומדי עברית מן המגזר הערבי”, הד האולפן החדש

Balcer (2014). “Soft Skills and Their Wage Returns: Overview of Empirical Literature”, Review of Economic Perspectives.

Cenoz (2003). “Acquiring a third language: What role does bilingualism play?”, International Journal of Bilingualism.

Cook & Singleton (2014). “Key Topics in Second Language Acquisition”. International Journal of Applied Linguistics.

Muñoz (2010). “On how age affects foreign language learning”, Advances in Research on Language Acquisition and Teaching: Selected Papers.

What to Influence

Ways to Influence

Post-primary ages

High school

Acquisition of practical skills
Acquisition of practical skills, for example: flexibility, efficiency, independence, creativity, planning and organization, proactive approach, striving, research, work ethics, time management, etc.

High school

Hands-on experience in workplaces